About Us
Since 1976, the Lamoille Family Center has encouraged, educated and celebrated families, reaching approximately 4,000 children, youth, parents and caregivers annually. We offer a host of services to families and children from birth to age twenty-four throughout the Lamoille Valley.
As one of fifteen Parent Child Centers across the state, the Family Center offers early care and education services, home visiting, parent education, playgroups, childcare resource and referral, youth services and emergency assistance.
Everything we do is dedicated to welcoming families and making sure they feel nurtured and supported. We know that raising children is an important and challenging job. Offering families the education, resources and encouragement they need not only strengthens them, but also has an impact on our communities and society.
We provide a network of care for children, families and youth that weaves together the best practices of professionals, the wisdom and experience of families, and the strengths and hopes of the community.