Board of Directors

Our Board is comprised of community members who share our commitment to families.  Many of them also have careers in other aspects of care for families, children and youth.

Our Board members have a legal and fiduciary responsibility for all activities of the agency.  They are responsible for determining agency policy, approving the annual budget, establishing agency goals and selecting the Executive Director.

Members attend regular monthly meetings, monitor and approve finances and adopt policies which determine the purpose, governing principles, functions, activities and courses of action of the organization. They are encouraged to be advocates for the Family Center’s goals.  They operate with sensitivity and the strictest confidentiality for the well-being of our families.


Board of Directors


Marilyn May, Chair (effective 6/16)
Hyde Park, Vermont

Sandra Paquette, Vice Chair  (effective 5/08)
Morrisville, Vermont

Brenda Christie (effective 4/13)
Morrisville, Vermont

Pixie Loomis (effective 1/22)
Hyde Park, Vermont

Kerrie Johnson (effective 6/17)
Hyde Park, Vermont

Eileen Paus, Secretary (effective 12/14)
Hyde Park, Vermont

Christine Languerand, Treasurer (effective 4/24)
Wolcott, Vermont

Reeva Murphy (effective 11/22)

Michele Sullivan-DuBois (effective 2/24)

Iris Cloutier (effective 4/24)
Wolcott, Vermont


Board Meeting Documents

Click the tab to view agendas and minutes from the corresponding years.