In the News
VT Children’s Integrated Services shares new post
5 Things to Know About the Opioid Epidemic and Its Effect on Children Opioids are highly addictive drugs, available in illegal forms like heroin, or legal ones like oxycodone, hydrocodone, or morphine, which are available through a prescription. A drastic increase in...
Christine Malcolm talks about LFC and plays some tunes on WDEV
Click here for the interview on WDEV, with musical selections and some nice words about the Lamoille Family Center.
Important Community Discussion June 27
Please join us for a community conversation about the ongoing solutions to opiate misuse and how to help our family, friends, and neighbors in the Lamoille Valley. With Special Guest: Governor Scott June 27th - 6:00 to 8:00 Green Mountain Technology and Career Center...
Summer Open Meal Sites for 2017
The Open Summer Meals Sites List for 2017 is now available. Summer meal sites are great resources for the entire community, let's make sure that all children 18 and under are able to access free nutritious food while school is out. The Flyer here has information about...
Fostering Healthy Social and Emotional Development in Young Children
Children are born with the need and desire to connect with those around them. When parents and caregivers establish positive relationships with children from birth through the early years, children feel safe and secure, laying the foundation for healthy social and...