In the News
Gender Revolution – The Shifting Landscape of Gender
The current issue of National Geographic is a Special Issue the: Gender Revolution - The Shifting Landscape of Gender. Click here to see it online.
Eight Things to Remember about Child Development from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
New website launched for VCRHYP
The Vermont Coalition of Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs has a new website at http://vcrhyp.org/. Check it out! VCRHYP is a partent orginization for two of the Lamoille Family Center programs - LINK and Families Learning Together.
Early School Readiness Matters – A Report from Child Trends
School readiness, a multi-dimensional concept, conveys important advantages. Click here to read more in this report from Child Trends.
Prevention Works: Vermont’s Renewed Commitment
Over 200 people attended this conference to celebrate 40 years of Vermont's success in producing excellent outcomes for children, families, and communities. Click on the highlighted link to watch a brief YouTube of four Vermont Governor’s talking about prevention...