In the News
Virtual Parent Ed: 1-2-3 Magic – Who is in charge at your house?
1-2-3 Magic: Who is in charge at your house? April 6 and 13, 2021 6:00-7:30 PM via Zoom Based on the book and video developed by Dr. Thomas Phelan, "1-2-3 Magic" provides participants with parenting strategies for children without yelling, arguing or spanking. Step 1:...
Virtual Parent Ed: Practical Positive Co-Parenting
March 30, 2021 6:00-7:30 PM via Zoom Join Life/Parent Coach Dustin Bruley in a virtual workshop for parents to learn strategies and tools to improve (and in some cases rescue) their relationship with their co-parent (whether or not that's their current partner). The...
Virtual Parent Ed: Conscious Parenting
February 16, 2021 6:00-7:30 PM via Zoom Join us for an informative introductory presentation of the parenting paradigm, "Conscious Parenting," with Conscious Parent Coach Suzy Blais. This presentation is based on the work of pioneering author, clinical psychologist,...
Virtual Parent Ed: Corona-Silience
January 26, 2021 6:00-7:30 PM via Zoom We are now finding ourselves adjusting to a "new normal" by becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable the best we can. Now it is time for us to re-group and consciously create the boundaries and structure we need to move...
Virtual Parent Ed: Baffled By Behavior
Wednesday, November 18 6:30PM via Zoom Are you stumped by your child's tantrums and other challenging behaviors? Join us as we host Rachael Cook for a workshop about how to understand and address everyday behaviors with toddlers and children. Parents and caregivers...